Not a Big Fan Of Writing

December 13, 2009

I must admit that I am not a big fan of writing. When I saw that I needed to take Eng 111 and Eng 112 for my major, I was not a happy camper. I am not a good writer, I always feel like when I am writing a paper, I am not providing enough information or to much information. It helps out a lot when you are able to have someone proof read your paper and inform you of changes that need to be made. Over the past few weeks I think I have become a better writer and by doing so I was able to use some of what I learned in my public speaking class. I don’t see myself just sitting down writing just because I can, but I will say that I am a little more comfortable with writing. I don’t think I will be writing any personal letters, but I have learned enough to write papers and short stories to help me while I continue to take classes. Needless to say that I am not very interested in writing. But I have learned a great deal that will help me throughout my life and I am able to help my kids when the time comes.

Weblog 4

October 25, 2009

A  professor who uses different methods

I would have to say that I do not agree with Stanley Fish when he stated that “When students write about ideal or themes, they produce dull arguments about worn out topics”. I also disagree with Fish when he said that “Most” of the millions of students that graduate from high school and college, are utterly unable to write a clear or coherent English sentence. I can remember my first English class in college. We were asked to write a 500 word essay on our major. We had to explain what we were majoring in and what we wanted to do with the degree once we received it. Sounds easy huh? Believe me a lot of my classmates struggled with this assignment. We couldn’t just say I am Majoring in Criminal Justice and I want to be a lawyer. You actually had to do research and find out as much information on your major as possible. Then explain the steps it take to become a lawyer. I don’t feel that the topics are worn out. I feel that if the professor asks for more details, this will allows students to express their thoughts more clearly. While taking my public speaking class, I also have to use what I am learning in English to help me prepare my speeches. Just like when you are writing a paper, you want to make sure you are writing clearly so that your readers are able to understand the information you are giving them. The same thing goes when you are writing a speech. You need to be able to capture your readers and keep them focused on what your talking about. With that being said, I think that Collin Brooke has a right to disagree with Fish methods and beliefs. I have yet to come across an English Professor that has all of the same views as well as teaching methods as another Professor.

Weblog 3

October 20, 2009

Children are learning to read at an earlier age now. Just as adults, they form an opinion of what type of books they enjoy reading. I feel that a child should be able to explore all types of books. Whether it is Stephen King or J.K. Rowlings books. Just because they start out reading this type of material doesn’t mean this is all they will ever read. I learned that when you read something that interests you, you will retain the information better. I am not a fan of the Harry Potter books, but I see a lot of kid reading them. Even the adults come to there Drs appt. reading these huge books. They stand in long lines and wait for the release on the latest book or the movie premiere. Is the book garbage, I don’t know. What I do believe is that just because you start out reading a certain type of books, doesn’t mean that you will stick to that category. When a child gets in a higher grade level in school and the literature changes, they learn to read more than magical books. As for King, I couldn’t began to tell you have he writes about. Not unless the book happens to be based off a movie I saw. You can’t say that J.K. Rowling books prepare children to read Stephen Kings books. Who really cares what books lead children to read other authors books. The most important thing is that a child learns to read well enough and maintain understanding long enough to finish a book. If my son wanted to read a Harry Potter book, I would let him. But he would also be reading something that he can benefit from in the future. My point is that allowing a child to explore reading as well as different styles of writing could help them become better readers and writers in the future.

Reflection 1

October 13, 2009

 Cook Til You Drop

I cook to full bellies of family and friends. I cook cause it makes me happy. I cook when I find new recipes. I cook when my grandma shares her recipes. I cook for guest when I have dinner parties. I cook a lot so my husband will buy me new appliances. I cook just to use my new appliances. I cook cakes and pies. I cook most of my food from scratch. I cook cause it makes me feel good. I cook to get the feeling of creating a master piece. I cook to hear people tell me how good the food is. I cook to build up my confidence. I cook for all the pot lucks at work. I cook to hear my husband tell me I put my foot in the meal. I cook extras just to take to work and have people try. I cook to hear the kids tell me they want seconds. I cook with a passion. I cook with the desire to win over the people eating the food. I cook sometimes to hear people tell me my cabbage is the best they ever had. I cook when my husband or son comes home and tell me they are having someone over for dinner. I cook because it brings out the country girl in me. I cook to put on the apron I love. I cook to relive some stress. I cook cause it is a gift many don’t have. I cook to receive constructive criticism. I cook to get better at certain dishes. I cook because I find peace in the kitchen. I cook for relaxation along with a glass of wine. I cook healthy for part of the week. I cook a lot of foods that will make you won’t to run to the gym. I cook cause it tell a story about me. I cook I cook I cook.

Weblog 2

September 22, 2009

 Best Friends

My best friend Nettie of twenty one years decided to go back to school to get a degree in Nursing. Being that we live in different states, to show my support, I would send her cards in the mail and text her to see how classes were going. After a few weeks, the communication became one sided. I was doing all the calling and texting. She didn’t respond to the cards I would send her or return my calls. So I began to wonder if I had done something to make her upset with me. One morning she called me on my way to work and was telling me how much homework she have and that between school and work, she doesn’t have a lot of free time. Now all that is understandable and that should have been enough to explain why she hadn’t been keeping in touch. Well that was not good enough for me because I knew that she had free time. She was always on face book and my space. She had time to throw a bridal shower for one of her classmates. But she didn’t have time to call and talk to me for a few minutes. By this time I was over it. I decided that I was not going to call her anymore. I felt as if she wanted to talk she would call me. Nettie called when it was close to graduation time and asked if I was coming home. I told her I planed to. Needless to say my son got sick and I couldn’t make it. A week later she sent me a card and a note that stated how my cards and text messages got her through her classes. She said that when she wanted to give up my card would come in the mail with some encouraging words. Nettie said that the messages made her morning and put a smile on her face. When I finished reading the note I was in tears. Here I am over reacting thinking we have out grown each other and the whole time she was leaning on me to get through school. I never told her how I truly felt during that time. We planed a four day trip to New Orleans and had a ball at the Essence Music Festival .

Weblog 1

September 14, 2009

 Lashunda is Super Mom

Super Mom, that’s what they call me. I am married and the mother of a 10 year old and a 5 year old. Work a full time job as a Certified Medical Assistant and go to school full time. Family and friends always ask me how in the world I manage to get everything done. To me that’s an easy question. Being that I have a very busy schedule, I plan out my week. Organization is the key. From the time I get up in the morning, I pretty much know how my day is going to play out. My day starts with getting the kids ready for school, and ends with homework. Which I don’t mind. I’m dealt a hand of football practice, cooking, cleaning and managing a Navy schedule. My husband has been in the Military for eight years, and when he is in an out, my schedule doubles. Most of the time it just a mothers instinct and the rest of the time it is the love and support from my family and friends. I come from a loving family and we always took care of each other no matter what the case may be. Some would call it taken on to much, but I call it a mothers love and dedication to herself and her family. Super Mom is a term that fits me like a shoe. Just think about it. Most people would give up and put their hopes and dreams on a back burner. Not me, I’m determined, focused, and dedicated to making my dreams a reality. It also sets an example for my children. They see me working hard and hopefully they will do the same. Whether it is in school or any sports they play. I teach them to always do their best, cause at the end of the day, all you can say is I tried. Super Mom not only describes me, it paints a picture for other people to follow and mimic.

Hello world!

September 3, 2009

Well hello world!! I feel like I am in Cyber writing space. Just a little something about me. I am married going on 6 years and have two young men. I work full time as a CMA and going to school full time. So as you can see, I have my hands full.  I am still trying to get the hang of using this site. Being that there are so many different things you can do up here. Hopefully you guys can help me out and keep me on the right track.